Wildermyth - Omenroad - Buyer's Guide

Embark on roguelike challenges, explore new story campaign, or revisit the original game.
Fan-art of Wildermyth - Omenroad

Wildermyth’s Omenroad DLC offers a thrilling new way to play, introducing a roguelike tactical challenge mode that pushes your favorite heroes to the limit. Explore node maps, navigate treacherous battles, and make tactical choices to secure transformation and rewards. Earn titles and promote your heroes to bring them back into the base game. Alternatively, embark on the "A Walk in the Unlight" story campaign, traversing the enigmatic world of Netherflare, stumbling upon new biomes, and encountering familiar faces, all set against the backdrop of a mystical ballroom in a dragon’s castle.

Should I play Wildermyth - Omenroad in 2024?

The good

Omenroad brings to the table a deep tactical combat experience and a remarkable variety of balanced encounters. Many users highlight the expansion’s ability to turn each battle into a suspenseful scenario demanding strategic decisions, enhancing the combat system significantly.

The bad

The story in Omenroad has not resonated as well with players, with criticisms pointing towards poor writing and lack of engagement compared to the base game. Some fans of the original game find the procedural elements lackluster, and the gameplay can feel monotonous and poorly balanced for them.


If you’re a fan of deep tactical battles and intricate combat systems, Wildermyth: Omenroad is a stellar addition to your collection 🎮. While it might miss the mark on narrative depth, it makes up for it with thrilling, strategy-rich encounters that will have you at the edge of your seat. For those who prioritize story, this expansion might be a bit of a letdown, but for the tacticians out there, it’s a must-play! 🌟

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Wildermyth - Omenroad

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG