SKALD: Against the Black Priory - Buyer's Guide

Explore a dark fantasy world, battling eldritch horrors and unraveling mysterious threads in SKALD: Against the Black Priory, a unique blend of cosmic horror and old-school RPG elements. Nostalgic and atmospheric, but be prepared for some minor flaws.
Fan-art of SKALD: Against the Black Priory

Embark on a perilous journey across a desecrated coastline, where the stench of seaweed and the cries of gulls serve as a haunting backdrop to an otherworldly odyssey. In SKALD: Against the Black Priory, a bold attempt to revive the nostalgia of yesteryear’s role-playing games, players are thrown into a dark fantasy world, replete with eldritch horrors, tragic heroes, and an ancient, mysterious Black Priory waiting to be unraveled. Lead a motley crew of broken heroes through treacherous landscapes, battling fearsome creatures, pursuing quests, and unraveling the tangled threads of a Lovecraftian tapestry. With a modern twist, SKALD combines authentic 8-bit aesthetics, an unforgiving environment, and a rich narrative, leaving players to ponder: do you have the mettle to guide your party through the unforgiving world and survive the horrors that lurk within the Priory’s gates?

Should I play SKALD: Against the Black Priory in 2024?

The good

  • Lovecraftian Atmosphere: The game excels in creating a chilling, Lovecraft-inspired atmosphere that truly stands out. The narrative and world-building keep you on edge and deeply immersed.
  • Pixel Art: The pixel art is well-executed and manages to convey disturbing and impactful scenes despite the style’s limitations.
  • Engaging Start: The initial part of the game is nearly flawless, pulling players in with intriguing gameplay, story, and exploration.
  • Nostalgic Feel: It ticks all the right boxes for those who enjoy old-school CRPGs but with modern polish, reminiscent of games from the Commodore 64 and Amiga eras.
  • Unique Tone: A unique blend of unsettling horror and RPG elements makes for a refreshing experience, with swift pacing and minimal fluff.

The bad

  • Rushed Ending: Several reviews point out a noticeable drop in quality towards the end. The pacing becomes rushed, and the story takes some unexpected turns that may not sit well with every player.
  • Linear Narrative: Despite the “Choices Matter” tag, the game is highly linear with limited options for solving problems, which might not meet expectations for some RPG enthusiasts.
  • Lack of Character Interaction: The characters often don’t react realistically to the horrifying events, detracting from the role-playing experience.
  • Minor Technical Issues: Some spelling errors in the dialogue and minor criticism of graphics and font choices, although these issues are largely subjective.


Should you still buy or play SKALD: Against the Black Priory in 2024? 🎮

Absolutely! 🌟 Despite some criticisms regarding the latter parts of the game, the overwhelmingly positive sentiment among reviewers can’t be ignored. The Lovecraftian atmosphere, engaging start, and nostalgic yet modern CRPG experience it offers make it a worthy addition to your gaming library. If you can appreciate the journey even if the destination feels a bit rushed, you’re in for a memorable and unique adventure. Dive in, and you might just find yourself loving the ending as much as the majority of players did! 👾

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of SKALD: Against the Black Priory

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