Dead Cells - Buyer's Guide

Explore the unforgiving realm of Dead Cells, master punishing combat, and unlock new paths and abilities in this addictive and challenging game. Worth checking out if you're looking for a game that'll keep you coming back for more.
Fan-art of Dead Cells

In the unforgiving realm of Dead Cells, players assume the role of a failed alchemical experiment, cursed to roam a labyrinthine isle in perpetual search of answers. With each new iteration, the perpetual cycle of kill or be killed drives home the precarious nature of existence. The game’s punishing yet rewarding combat demands mastery of the controls, as the relentless hordes of foes vie for dominance. The promise of progress lies in the promise of permanence, locking in achievements and unlocking new paths and abilities with each successive run. Yet, the capricious flow of fate awaits, ever-prepared to snatch away victory from grasping fingers. Will you vanquish the final boss or succumb to the merciless challenge? Only the bravest and most cunning adventurers dare attempt Dead Cells.

Should I play Dead Cells in 2024?

The good

  • Highly Addictive Gameplay: Players seem to love the challenging nature of Dead Cells, paired with the satisfaction of learning and improving with each death.
  • Replayability: The game’s roguelite mechanics ensure that no two runs are the same, keeping it fresh even after hundreds of hours of play.
  • Support: The game has received continuous updates and support, adding new content and keeping the experience exciting.
  • Solid Mechanics: The combat and controls are praised for being tight and responsive, making the game feel rewarding to master.
  • Variety: A vast array of weapons, enemies, and biomes keep the game interesting and engaging.

The bad

  • Frustration Factor: Its challenging nature can be a double-edged sword, leading to frustration for those who aren’t as patient or persistent.
  • Recent Developer Controversy: Issues surrounding the credit and support for the game’s secondary development team, Evil Empire, have left a sour taste for some fans.


Despite a few bumps in the road, Dead Cells firmly stands as a phenomenal and beloved entry in the roguelite genre. The overwhelmingly positive reviews speak volumes about its addictive, challenging gameplay, and high replay value. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to roguelites, this game promises a rollercoaster of emotions—from frustration to triumph.

So, should you buy Dead Cells in 2024? Absolutely! 🎮 Dive in and enjoy the myriad of updates and content that have polished this gem to near perfection. Be ready to die—a lot—but to also love every moment of it. 😆👾

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Dead Cells

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