Virtual Virtual Reality - Buyer's Guide

Explore a futuristic VR world, providing companionship to AI clients in Virtual Virtual Reality. A unique gaming experience with over 50 virtual realities to explore. Excellent reviews and innovative gameplay make it a must-play for VR enthusiasts. MAX 155-160 characters
Fan-art of Virtual Virtual Reality

Immerse yourself in a futuristic virtual reality (VR) world where the majority of human jobs are handled by machines. Welcome to Activitude, a Virtual Labor System that values your human touch in a world increasingly dominated by AI. Your new role? Providing companionship to our AI clients. Get ready to strap on your VR headset and discover your true purpose.

But wait, there’s more. You could simply play the role of a therapy dog to an AI in Bismarck, watching your job ratings soar. Or, you could dare to seek more - adventure, conflict, and a true sense of purpose. How? By exploiting the VR technology at your disposal to jump between realities, clean up your surroundings with your Activitude Brand Poly Cleanup Tool, and outsmart Chaz, your persistent manager trying to get rid of you. Dive into the behind-the-scenes story of Activitude, from its humble beginnings as a VR start-up to its current status as a ‘human purpose provider’.

The game boasts over 50 virtual realities for you to explore. And yes, you read that right - an artichoke will indeed scream at you. Brace yourself for a unique gaming experience.

Should I play Virtual Virtual Reality in 2024?

The good

Players are raving about “Virtual Virtual Reality” as one of the best VR games they’ve experienced. The game’s ability to seamlessly transport you into various realities, reminiscent of the “Inception” movie, has captured the imagination of many. Interactions within the game world are highly praised for their immersive quality.

The bad

A minor note for Oculus Quest users: to get the best experience, you’ll need to adjust the default HTC Vive key bindings to the community-made “Oculus” one in the SteamVR settings.


Should you dive into “Virtual Virtual Reality” in 2024? Absolutely! 🌟 With overwhelmingly positive feedback and a unique reality-hopping experience, this game is a sure bet for any VR enthusiast. Just make that key binding tweak, and you’re all set for an unforgettable journey through multiple realities. 🚀

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Virtual Virtual Reality

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