Viewfinder - Buyer's Guide

Explore the world, bring artwork to life in Viewfinder. Emotional storytelling and cute story.
Fan-art of Viewfinder

In Viewfinder, defy reality by bringing artwork to life as a first-person adventurer. Shape the world by resurrecting photographs, paintings, and more. Unravel the mysteries of interconnected worlds, mastering secrets and unlocking freedom with every explore.

Should I play Viewfinder in 2024?

The good

  • Innovative Mechanics: The game features a unique and revolutionary puzzle mechanic involving the manipulation of photographs to alter the in-game environment. 🖼️✂️
  • Fun and Engaging Puzzles: While not overly difficult, the puzzles are fun to solve and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Art Style and Ambience: The game boasts a bold, colorful art style and a soothing soundtrack that enhances the overall chill vibe of the game.
  • Solid Technical Performance: Players reported experiencing no significant bugs, and the game runs smoothly on most systems.
  • Cute Cat!: The game includes a cat character that many players found delightful. 🐱

The bad

  • Short Playtime: The game can be completed in 2-8 hours, leading some to feel it doesn’t justify its $25 price tag.
  • Narration and Dialogue: Many found the constant narration annoying, with characters’ dialogues described as cringe-worthy and self-congratulatory.
  • Underwhelming Story: The story was often criticized for being lackluster and not adding much to the overall experience.
  • Low Puzzle Difficulty: Some players felt the puzzles were too easy and didn’t offer much of a challenge.


Should you still buy or play this game in 2024? If you’re a fan of innovative puzzle games and enjoy unique mechanics, then Viewfinder is worth your attention. The game’s core concept is fresh and engaging, offering a unique experience that you won’t find elsewhere. However, its short length and divisive narration might make it more suitable for a sale purchase rather than at full price.

In summary, grab it when it’s on discount, kick back, and enjoy the mind-bending puzzles and beautiful art. You might just find it to be a “picture-perfect” experience! 📸✨

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Viewfinder

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Some game metadata is coming from RAWG