Victoria 3 - Buyer's Guide

Experience grand strategy gameplay as you govern and craft your own 19th-century society in Victoria 3. Worth playing, but consider waiting for bug fixes.
Fan-art of Victoria 3

In Victoria 3, Paradox Development Studio offers a riveting experience as you craft and govern your own 19th-century society, meticulously balancing the competing interests of diverse population groups to achieve prosperity, stability, and global influence.

Should I play Victoria 3 in 2024?

The good

Victoria 3 has its merits, especially if you’re a history buff or a fan of Paradox Grand Strategy games. The game provides an immersive experience in the historical period between 1836 and 1936, with a lot of depth and opportunities to shape history through your gameplay choices. There are detailed tutorials and tooltips that help new players get on board, making it more accessible than previous Paradox titles.

Reviewers who have taken the plunge seem to enjoy the detailed economic and political systems, and some have found the game quite rewarding once they got the hang of it. Fans of the era or Paradox’s other titles like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis may find a lot to love here.

The bad

However, the game has its fair share of issues, particularly related to its monetization strategy and technical performance. Many reviewers mention that the base game feels incomplete without the additional DLCs, which come at a hefty price. This is a common gripe with Paradox games, but it’s particularly glaring in Victoria 3. Players have also reported significant bugs and crashes, even on high-end gaming systems, which severely hamper the experience.

There are also complaints that some crucial features that should have been part of the base game are locked behind expensive DLCs. This has left a sour taste for many, especially veterans who expected a more polished product, given the legacy of Victoria 2.


Should you still buy or play Victoria 3 in 2024? 🤔 If you’re deeply into historical grand strategy games and are okay with potentially shelling out extra for a more complete experience, then yes, Victoria 3 can be a rewarding and engaging game. However, if you’re a casual gamer or on a budget, you might want to think twice. The game has a steep learning curve, and the plethora of DLCs can make it an expensive hobby.

For best value, wait for a sale and grab the base game along with some key expansions. Be prepared for some technical hiccups and a potentially frustrating learning period. If you can get past that, you’ll find a game rich in historical detail and complex strategy.

Proceed with caution, and may your virtual empire prosper! 🌍🛠️

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Screenshot of Victoria 3

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