UBOAT - Buyer's Guide

Dive into the depths of WWII-era submarine simulation with UBOAT, offering immersive and realistic gameplay experience. Explore the game's depths and strategize to survive. Perfect for fans of submarine simulators and military history.
Fan-art of UBOAT

UBOAT: A riveting WWII-era submarine simulation game with a unique survival sandbox experience. In this intense journey into the depths, players will manage their crew’s physical and mental health while navigating through perilous waters. The extensive damage system challenges your creativity and decision-making in dire situations. With resource management at its core, UBOAT tests player’s ability to optimize usage of onboard supplies, even resorting to looting enemy wreckages when necessary.Facing assignments from the Kriegsmarine headquarters adds an unpredictable element that rewards successful completion with budget increases and reputation points for upgrading your vessel. The game offers realistic simulation elements while maintaining a solid gameplay experience. From ballast management affecting ship trim to Earth’s curvature, UBOAT strives for authenticity without compromising on accessibility. Players can choose between delegating tasks or taking matters into their own hands - the choice of being either an efficient leader or a decisive commander lies in your hands.

Should I play UBOAT in 2024?

The good

The reception to UBOAT has been overwhelmingly positive, especially from long-time fans of the Silent Hunter series. Many users praised the game for capturing the essence of classic submarine sims while adding modern RPG and crew management elements that enhance the overall experience. The mod-friendly nature is also a big plus, allowing customization and continuous improvement. Additionally, the attention to historical detail, immersive gameplay, and frequent updates by a dedicated development team have delighted many players.

The bad

Some users have noted that sailor management can become tedious and that there is a lack of automation for repetitive tasks. Other minor shortcomings mentioned include a desire for more reference materials and enhanced realism features. However, these issues are generally seen as minor and not deal-breakers.


With overwhelmingly positive feedback, UBOAT has cemented itself as a worthy successor to the Silent Hunter series, offering a balanced mix of realism and accessibility. Whether you’re a hardcore subsim aficionado or a history buff, UBOAT seems like a stellar choice. The continued updates and mod support ensure that this game will only get better. Dive in, captain, and sail the high seas of World War II with confidence! 🚢⚓

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of UBOAT

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG