The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites - Buyer's Guide

Experience spine-chilling horror in The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites. Immerse yourself in a terrifying world of exorcism and supernatural secrets. Play it in 2024!
Fan-art of The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites

The Deluxe Edition of The Exorcist: Legion VR, an interactive episodic horror game developed by the acclaimed Wolf & Wood, is now available. This game, based on the chilling universe crafted by William Peter Blatty, offers a terrifying exploration into the realm of the supernatural. As players, you will learn the art of exorcism and unearth hidden truths that will lead you to a final face-off with your deepest fears. The game is a mix of investigation, exorcism, and pure horror. The question is - can you withstand it? Built for HTC Vive and Oculus, the game offers support for tracked controllers and provides both ‘blink’ (teleport) and ‘free roam’ movement options. Each chapter, lasting around 20-25 minutes, can be replayed for extra secrets, achievements, and performance, as well as to find a range of Easter eggs. Each episode introduces a new demonic entity, and players can purchase subsequent chapters from within the game. The realistically eerie and fully immersive environments are filled with rich story hints and unique secrets. Players will find and utilize various exorcism tools and hidden ‘artifacts’ that will assist them in their mission. You’ll also receive enigmatic messages from a stranger who seems to know your every move. After each chapter, players can return to the safety of their office to evaluate their performance and continue the story.

Should I play The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites in 2024?

The good

  • Atmospheric Excellence: The game nails the creepy and immersive environment inspired by “The Exorcist” series. Expect top-notch audio and visual cues that build an intense atmosphere.
  • Immersive Gameplay: From reading articles in different handwritings to interacting with nearly everything in the environment, the game offers a truly immersive experience.
  • Fan Service: There are numerous nods to fans of the original film and book series, making it a joy for long-time followers.
  • Fun Detective Work: The investigative elements of the game are engaging and not overly difficult, enhancing the immersive experience.
  • Intuitive Controls: Easy to manage controls, despite the various mechanics involved.

The bad

  • Audio Balancing Issues: Spoken dialogues are very soft, which contrasts sharply with the sudden loud scares.
  • No Subtitles: Given the importance of sound, the lack of subtitles can be a downside.
  • Minor Bugs: Occasional glitches, such as collision issues and lost hand tracking.
  • Teleportation Mechanic: Not everyone’s cup of tea; some prefer other forms of movement in VR.
  • Quest 2 Compatibility Issues: Significant problems for Quest 2 users, making parts of the game unplayable.


Should you still buy or play this game in 2024? If you’re a fan of “The Exorcist” series or horror games in general, this immersive VR title is a must-try. 🌟 The atmosphere, audio work, and environmental interaction are stellar, creating a gripping experience that feels true to its source material. However, if you own an Oculus Quest 2, be warned—serious compatibility issues could hinder your playthrough. Overall, if you have the right setup, dive in and prepare to be scared… just maybe not at night alone. 😱👻

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites

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