Noita - Buyer's Guide

Discover Noita, a procedurally generated roguelike with unique mechanics, creative freedom, and addictive gameplay. Read reviews to decide if it's worth playing in 2024.
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In the mesmerizing world of Noita, every pixel is a physical force, waiting to be burned, melted, or frozen into submission. Create your own spells, combine them with ruthless efficiency, and dive into a procedurally generated abyss where death lurks around every corner. With permadeath, every mistake can be a costly lesson, but players seeking revenge will learn from their mistakes and return, more cunning and formidable, to claim victory in this dark, vibrant, and unpredictable realm.

Should I play Noita in 2024?

The good

Noita has captivated players with its unique mechanics and deep, rewarding gameplay. Praised for its immersive world and the sheer creativity it allows, many feel it’s what Terraria’s magic combat aspired to be. The game is unforgiving, requiring players to learn from their many deaths, but this steep learning curve is part of its charm. The roguelite nature of the game, where you retain knowledge instead of items, makes each playthrough a novel experience. Players have found the vast freedom in spell crafting and environmental manipulation both challenging and addicting. The game has also been noted for its impressive compatibility with devices like the Steam Deck.

The bad

Noita is undeniably difficult. The game’s random elements can feel unfair, leading to instant deaths from unexpected sources, such as accidentally summoning bosses or being teleported into dangerous substances. For some, this level of unpredictability and repeated failures can be extremely frustrating. Some players have even joked about needing a certain level of mental resilience to enjoy it.


Should you still buy or play Noita in 2024? Absolutely! 🎩✨ Despite its brutal difficulty and occasional rage-inducing moments, Noita’s overwhelmingly positive reception speaks for itself. It’s a game where each death is a learning opportunity, and every run is a chance to discover something new. If you enjoy roguelites, creative spell crafting, and a game world filled with endless possibilities, Noita is a magical adventure worth diving into—just be prepared to die. A lot. 😅

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