Neon White - Buyer's Guide

Compete in Hell to reach Heaven in this unique blend of speedrunning and strategic gameplay. Stunning visuals, addictive gameplay & energetic soundtrack make it a must-play.
Fan-art of Neon White

In Neon White, you’re a Hell-sent assassin competing with familiar faces for a chance at Heaven. Collect Soul Cards to vanquish demons, or use them to navigate through a realm of redemption. Cleverly combine cards for speed and discover hidden paths. But as you uncover Heaven’s secrets, you’ll realize that some foes may be more than just demons to dispatch.

Should I play Neon White in 2024?

The good

Neon White has received rave reviews, and for good reason! Gamers love the fast-paced, exhilarating gameplay that combines elements of speedrunning with first-person shooting. The level design is highly praised, offering a satisfying challenge that scales with the player’s skill level. Reviewers appreciate the stylish aesthetic, which effectively sets the tone and atmosphere of the game. Many players also highlight the fun and engaging abilities, especially those introduced late in the game, which let you zoom through levels at an exhilarating speed. Additionally, the characters and dialogue—though seen by some as immature—have charmed a significant portion of the player base.

The bad

While the game has received overwhelmingly positive feedback, it’s not without its criticisms. The dialogue and writing have been described as cringe-worthy or immature by some players. The repetitive nature of the speedrunning gameplay loop can lead to burnout, particularly for those not accustomed to it. Collectibles like gifts can be frustratingly difficult to find in later levels without external guides. Finally, some players felt that the game felt visually monotonous over time due to the art direction not changing significantly throughout the chapters.


Should you still buy or play Neon White in 2024? Absolutely! 🌟 The exhilaration of zooming through well-crafted levels, combined with stylish visuals and compelling mechanics, makes it a must-play for fans of speedrunning and fast-paced FPS games. The occasional immature dialogue and repetitive gameplay loop are minor setbacks in an otherwise stellar experience. If you’re looking for something that will keep your heart racing and your fingers tapping, Neon White should be on your 2024 gaming list. 🚀

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Neon White

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