My Time at Sandrock - Buyer's Guide

Embark on a post-apocalyptic rebuilding adventure in My Time at Sandrock. Explore, craft, and battle monsters in a charming farming simulator. But be aware, it's not without controversy.
Fan-art of My Time at Sandrock

Step into the world of My Time at Sandrock, where a post-apocalyptic landscape awaits. As a new builder, you’ll rebuild the wild city-state of Sandrock, forging bonds with quirky residents, crafting innovative items, and battling monsters. Explore ancient ruins, process resources, and unravel the town’s mysteries. With a rich story, dynamic combat, and multiplayer features, Sandrock offers a fresh yet familiar experience for fans of My Time at Portia.

Should I play My Time at Sandrock in 2024?

The good

“My Time at Sandrock” impresses with its deep storytelling and emotional engagement. Reviewers highlight the game’s ability to make players feel connected to both the characters and the town, creating a rewarding and immersive experience. The game boasts an extensive amount of content, with intricate quests and character development that keeps players hooked for hours on end. The voice acting and character growth are noted as standout features, making the world feel alive and personal. Additionally, there’s a lot of appreciation for the game’s ability to foster real-life connections, as noted by a 45-year-old father who found common ground with his son through the game.

The bad

Despite the game’s many strengths, there are a few notable issues. Several reviewers mention balancing problems, particularly concerning the difficulty spikes and the skill system. The game also suffers from graphical optimization issues, leading to slow load times and pop-ins. Bugs are another concern, with reports of game-breaking issues like problematic NPC pathing and unfinishable quests. A lack of polish and occasional immersion-breaking moments were also pointed out, indicating that while the game is enjoyable, it isn’t without its frustrations.


Should you still buy or play “My Time at Sandrock” in 2024? Absolutely! 🎮 The overall sentiment is very positive, and it seems that the game’s heart and soul make it a must-play, despite its flaws. The emotional depth, engaging story, and character-driven narratives sit at the core of the gaming experience. While there are some technical hiccups, they don’t overshadow the joy and connection many have found in Sandrock. If you’re a fan of farming sims with a rich story and vibrant characters, you won’t regret diving into this desert adventure. 🌵💖

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of My Time at Sandrock

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