Manor Lords - Buyer's Guide

Influencing medieval life, build a thriving city in Manor Lords, balancing resources and war. 154 characters
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In Manor Lords, ascend to medieval lordship, guiding your humble village to prosperity amidst the backdrop of 14th-century Franconia. Manage resources, conquer new lands, and build a thriving city, all while navigating the trials of medieval life, from seasonal demands to the devastating cost of war.

Should I play Manor Lords in 2024?

The good

Manor Lords has captivated a lot of players with its historical charm and pretty visuals that drop you right into a 14th-century medieval village. It’s a dream for history buffs and city-building fans alike. People particularly love the detailed architecture and the immersive experience of managing villagers, resources, and production chains. The game offers plenty of depth and complexity, rewarding meticulous planning and management. The visuals are stunning, the environment lush, and the developers’ attention to historical accuracy is evident throughout the gameplay.

The bad

Despite having an engaging foundation, Manor Lords is still in Early Access and comes with some growing pains. There’s a notable lack of endgame content, which leaves some players yearning for more after the initial challenges are conquered. Additionally, some features feel unfinished, and bugs are not uncommon. The learning curve is quite steep, which may be off-putting for new players. Combat is relatively simple and doesn’t offer a lot of strategic depth.


Manor Lords is a gem in the making 💎. If the prospect of shaping a medieval village into a bustling hub of activity excites you, and you’re okay with some Early Access rough edges, then go ahead and dive in. The visual splendor, intricate gameplay, and historical richness make it a rewarding experience for those who enjoy deep strategy and city-building games. Just remember, you might encounter bugs and might find the content sparse after some time. But hey, it’s a journey worth embarking on if you want to be part of its evolution. 🏰🌿

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Screenshot of Manor Lords

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