Hubris - Buyer's Guide

Experience stunning VR action-adventure with Hubris, a Sci-Fi game with thrilling battles & crafting. Worthy of a try, but with caveats. Playable but imperfect.
Fan-art of Hubris

Hubris, a cutting-edge VR action-adventure game, offers players a chance to delve into a unique Sci-Fi universe, replete with thrilling gun battles, intricate crafting, and breathtaking high-end graphics. The game places you in the boots of a fledgling recruit for the formidable Order of Objectivity (OOO). Alongside your pilot, Lucia, you’ll embark on a daring mission to the planetoid belt of the Twin planet system in search of the elusive agent Cyanha. Surviving the hostile environment and the planet’s terraforming wildlife requires agility, strength, and the ability to wield weapons, control vehicles, and operate machinery like a seasoned OOO agent. The game also presents a riveting narrative, with rival factions vying to uncover the OOO’s ancient secrets. With immersive VR technology, Hubris provides an engaging, interactive gaming experience.

Should I play Hubris in 2024?

The good

  • Stunning Visuals: The game boasts impressive graphics, particularly in its nature simulation, rivaling games like Kayak VR, which makes exploring the alien world a visually pleasing experience.
  • Polished Traversal Mechanics: Movement in the game feels smooth and responsive, with highlights in walking/running, swimming, and climbing, providing a satisfying physical interaction.
  • Underwater Combat: The underwater torpedo gun is fun to use and well-animated, adding a unique twist to the combat mechanics.
  • Pod Racing Section: While brief, the vehicle handling in the pod racing segment is commendable and adds some excitement to the gameplay.

The bad

  • Bland Combat: The land-based combat is lackluster with limited weapon variety and enemy types. The pistol outclasses other available weapons, making them feel redundant.
  • AI Issues: Humanoid enemy AI isn’t convincing, lacking coordination and realistic behavior, and projectile speed makes dodging difficult.
  • Storytelling: The plot is uninspired, with dialogue that fails to maintain player interest and a silent protagonist that feels like an outdated element.
  • Performance Hiccups: Notable performance drops, especially during the terraformer ascension part, even on lower graphical settings.
  • Rushed Ending: The 6-hour campaign ends abruptly without a climactic final boss, leaving players wanting more.


Hubris excels in visual fidelity and movement mechanics, delivering an immersive VR experience that makes exploring its alien world genuinely enjoyable. However, the game falters in combat and storytelling, areas crucial to keeping players engaged long-term. If stunning environments and smooth traversal are your primary draw, Hubris is worth checking out. Just temper your expectations regarding its combat depth and narrative quality. Overall, for a mostly positive experience with a few quirks, it’s a solid choice for VR enthusiasts in 2024. 🌌🚀

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Hubris

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