“Hello Puppets!” presents a spine-chilling yet humorous escapade where your hand is transformed into a chatty puppet named Scout. A long-abandoned parody of Sesame Street, known as “Mortimer’s Handeemen”, is resurrected in a terrifying twist as the show’s puppets come alive with malevolent intent. Your only hope for survival is the slightly less nefarious Scout. The narrative is set in the backdrop of a children’s puppet show studio, which was devastated by a fire in 1986, resulting in eight fatalities. As a young journalist, you investigate the eerie rumors surrounding the haunted ruins and stumble upon a nightmarish reality. This immersive VR horror game offers an unprecedented gameplay mechanic, where you’re bound to a sentient puppet, Scout, who is as sardonic as she is helpful. The game challenges you to solve intricate puzzles and outwit the evil puppets of “Mortimer’s Handeemen”. Key features include a unique blend of horror and comedy, intricate puzzles, a reactive companion in Scout, and a ‘Puppet Mode’ that offers a new perspective to gameplay and puzzle-solving. The game also boasts of a rich lore that adds depth to its terrifying yet darkly humorous narrative.
Should I play Hello Puppets! VR in 2024?
The good
- Voice Acting: Users generally appreciate the voice acting quality, with Scout and other characters bringing some life into the game.
- Intriguing Concept: The idea of having a puppet companion and dealing with haunted puppets is unique and could appeal to fans of quirky horror themes.
The bad
- Inconsistent and Annoying Gameplay Mechanics: Many users found the game frustrating due to poor explanations, interaction issues, and awkward movement controls.
- Short Playtime: Clocking in at around 2 hours, the game feels too brief for many players, especially considering the need to refer to walkthroughs.
- Technical Issues: Problems like inconsistent audio levels, blinding walls, and no seated mode contributed to a subpar experience.
- Lackluster Writing: Despite decent voice acting, the writing was criticized for being grating and inconsistent, failing to strike a balance between scary and funny.
- Unimpressive Visuals and Effects: Issues like blinding walls and generic jump scares detract from the immersion.
If you’re in it purely for the concept and some decent voice acting, “Hello Puppets! VR” might just meet your expectations. However, for anyone looking for a well-rounded VR experience, be aware that you might encounter some frustrating mechanics and underwhelming writing. While it has its moments, the game feels more like a rough draft rather than a polished final product.
Considering the overall “Mostly Positive” sentiment, if you can grab it on a sale and are okay with some quirks, it might be worth a shot. Otherwise, it could be better suited as a casual play for those less familiar with high-end VR expectations.
👻 Puppets can be fun, but beware of rough edges! 🎭
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In-game Screenshot
Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG