Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back - Buyer's Guide

Immerse yourself in WWII with Hearts of Iron IV's latest expansion, No Step Back. Experience the Eastern Front's tense battles and explore new features like tank design and Soviet politics. Worth playing for fans of the series, but wait for fixes for game-breaking issues
Fan-art of Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back

No Step Back is Hearts of Iron IV’s latest expansion from Paradoe Interactive, plunging players into the tumultuous Eastern Front during WWII. This riveting addition enriches gameplay with intricate details for eastern European nations and innovative systems to replicate Soviet politics. It offers new national focuses for key regions like the Soviet Union, Poland, and Baltic states while revolutionizing military strategies through Army Officer Corps, Spiritual enhancements, and advanced supply logistics. Tank designers can now craft armored units tailored to their needs, bolstered by powerful Railway Guns.

Should I play Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back in 2024?

The good

  • The new focus trees have added an exciting layer to the game, making the Baltic countries and Poland much more engaging to play.
  • The Russian civil war provides a new and enjoyable challenge.
  • Many players find the additional content fun and enriching, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

The bad

  • Some feel that this content should have been part of the base game or priced lower.
  • The Great Purge and post-civil war content are considered tedious and uninteresting by some players.
  • There is a noticeable dislike for the attrition mechanic.


Should you still buy or play Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back in 2024? Based on the reviews, I’d say yes! With enriched gameplay, especially for the Baltic countries and Poland, this expansion pack seems to offer a lot of fun and new challenges. Sure, there are some gripes about the price and certain mechanics, but if you’re a fan of the base game, this expansion will likely breathe new life into your strategy sessions. So, “No step back” at buying this one! 🚀

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG