Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance - Buyer's Guide

Experience World War II from the perspective of a South American nation in 'Trial of Allegiance', a DLC for Hearts of Iron IV. With unique focuses and factions, play through domestic and global crises. Meh game, not worth the $15 price tag.
Fan-art of Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance

In “Trial of Allegiance,” a new pack for Hearts of Iron IV, players assume the role of a nation on the brink of chaos, navigating the treacherous landscape of World War II. Set amidst the tumultuous backdrop of South America, players can forge alliances, assert dominance, or succumb to the pressures of war. With three unique national focuses for Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, players must navigate domestic and global crises to reshape the continent’s future.

Should I play Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance in 2024?

The good

  • Despite its flaws, some fans from South American countries appreciated the representation. For instance, a Brazilian reviewer bought it for national pride.
  • A few users noted there were some interesting additions, like elements for Paraguay, even though these were incomplete or buggy.

The bad

  • The overarching criticism is about the lack of balance and incomplete features.
  • Many users felt the DLC was overpriced relative to its content.
  • Specific nations in South America were neglected while others were randomly prioritized.
  • Issues like missing assets and imbalances make the gameplay experience frustrating.
  • Numerous complaints about technical issues, like the DLC not functioning correctly even after purchase.
  • Overall, the sentiment is that this DLC is a poorly executed, incomplete product.


Should you still buy or play this game in 2024? 🍿 If you enjoy South American history and feel a nationalistic pull, you might find a nugget of joy here. However, for the vast majority of gamers, “Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance” feels like a misstep 🌵. It’s plagued by incomplete features, technical issues, and poor balance. You’re likely better off sticking with mods or waiting for a significant improvement from Paradox. Save your money for now! 💸

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Country Pack - Hearts of Iron IV: Trial of Allegiance

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Some game metadata is coming from RAWG