Counter-Strike 2 - Buyer's Guide

Play the reworked Counter-Strike 2 with revolutionary visuals and refined gameplay, but beware of rampant cheating and poor anti-cheat measures. Should you play it in 2024? Maybe.
Fan-art of Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2 marks a significant leap in the storied franchise’s evolution, upgrading the classic competitive shooter with revolutionary visuals, refined gameplay mechanics, and a wealth of community-driven features. Leveraging the powerful Source 2 engine, CS2 boasts photorealistic rendering, cutting-edge physics, and streamlined community tools. New additions include a revamped global and regional ranking system, enhanced maps, dynamic smoke grenades, independent tick frequency, and a reworked soundscape – ensuring the iconic game’s competitive edge remains unmatched in the esports scene.

Should I play Counter-Strike 2 in 2024?

The good

Counter-Strike 2 seems to maintain a loyal fan base, with many reviewers expressing a love-hate relationship with the game. The physics and core gameplay elements are praised, recalling the glory days of CS:GO. Nostalgia for the old days is palpable, and many find moments of joy and satisfaction despite the issues. For many, it’s the game they’ve sunk countless hours into, and aspects of the classic experience still shine through.

The bad

Cheaters, cheaters, and more cheaters. The anti-cheat system (VAC) is a major point of contention, with numerous players highlighting rampant cheating that severely impacts the competitive integrity of the game. The introduction of the subtick system has also been criticized for causing undesirable gameplay effects like rubber banding and making gunfights feel off. Additionally, the community sentiment towards developers indicates a frustration with a perceived lack of significant updates or improvements.


Should you still buy or play Counter-Strike 2 in 2024? 🕹️ If you’ve got a soft spot for classic Counter-Strike action and are prepared to navigate some frustrating encounters with cheaters, it might still be worth your time. However, the cheating problem and the hit-or-miss new features are significant drawbacks. If you can tolerate these issues and reminisce about the good old CS:GO days, go ahead. Otherwise, maybe it’s time to explore other greener, less-cheated pastures. Proceed with caution, soldier! 🚀

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Screenshot of Counter-Strike 2

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