Conqueror's Blade - Buyer's Guide

Master medieval warfare in Conqueror's Blade, commanding units and conquering castles in real-time battles. Historically-inspired eras await, but lack of bug fixes and balance issues mar the experience. Maybe worth trying, but consider alternatives due to frustrating leveling and bugs.
Fan-art of Conqueror's Blade

In Conqueror’s Blade, master the art of medieval warfare by commanding units, deploying siege engines and conquering castles in massive online battles. Coordinate with your team to breach defenses and emerge victorious in real-time combat. personalise your hero and arm them with diverse weapons, each with its unique playstyle and tactical advantages. Explore historical eras like the Viking Age and Byzantine Empire, and compete in Territory Wars for server-wide control and resources.

Should I play Conqueror’s Blade in 2024?

The good

Some players might have enjoyed Conqueror’s Blade initially, appreciating the game’s focus on grand sieges and large-scale battles. It had potential in terms of engaging battle mechanics and the appeal of medieval warfare.

The bad

The game has seemingly deteriorated over the years. Complaints are notable about:

  • A toxic community.
  • Players treating sieges as solo modes, undermining the intended team-based experience.
  • Persistent issues with broken and unbalanced gameplay, even after a long hiatus.


Should you still buy or play Conqueror’s Blade in 2024? Given that the game hasn’t improved and still suffers from significant issues, it’s probably best to look elsewhere for your medieval warfare fix. ⛔ It appears that the game’s potential has been overshadowed by its persistent problems. Keep your blade sheathed and your wallet closed for this one.

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Conqueror's Blade

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Some game metadata is coming from RAWG