Cities: Skylines II - Buyer's Guide

Experience urban planning and architecture in Cities: Skylines II. Build and shape a city from scratch, making decisions that impact growth and prosperity. Should you play this game in 2024? Discover the verdict and read reviews
Fan-art of Cities: Skylines II

Experience the thrill of urban planning and architecture like never before in Cities: Skylines II. This immersive game catapults you into the role of a city builder, empowering you to erect a city from scratch and shape it into a bustling metropolis. The game provides a unique blend of deep simulation and dynamic economics, challenging your creativity and strategic thinking.

As the city’s architect, you’ll lay down roads, design infrastructure, and implement systems that make daily life possible. Your decisions, whether to stimulate local industries or utilize trade to bolster the economy, will have a profound impact on your city’s growth and prosperity.

Cities: Skylines II is not just a game; it’s a living, breathing entity that evolves over time. Be prepared to adapt to the unexpected and make tough decisions as seasons change and days turn into nights.

With stunning high-resolution graphics, this game delivers an unparalleled level of detail and realism in city-building. The ripple effects of your decisions, powered by advanced AI and complex economic models, will shape the lives of your city’s residents.

In Cities: Skylines II, the city you build is a reflection of you. With no constraints on your creativity, you can build towering skyscrapers or sprawling suburbs. You can also follow the life stories of your citizens, witnessing their triumphs and tragedies.

Lastly, the game’s map sets the stage for your city’s climate, presenting unique challenges such as pollution, fluctuating weather, and seasonal obstacles. Welcome to the world of Cities: Skylines II, where you are the architect of your city’s destiny.

Should I play Cities: Skylines II in 2024?

The good

  • Community Engagement: The developers have shown commitment to improving the game, evident from responsive patches and addressing community feedback by incorporating features like the Economy 2.0 and additional assets into the base game.
  • Potential for Modding: The game shows immense potential, especially for players interested in high-level detailing and modding. The community of content creators and modders is already producing stunning cityscapes.
  • New Features and Assets: Recent patches have made the game more engaging by adding challenging economic systems and new assets like smaller communities and cul-de-sacs.
  • Visual Appeal: The game continues to impress with its visual detailing, especially when augmented by community-created content and mods.

The bad

  • Performance Issues: Persistent bugs, such as the “zombie” citizens glitch, significantly slow down processing speed and can make the game unplayable.
  • Traffic Management: Traffic AI shows significant flaws, including problematic lane usage and recalculations that disrupt gameplay.
  • Incomplete Features: Several features from the first game or expected updates (like individual lane control, cargo train functionality, and water management) are still missing or poorly implemented.
  • Core Bugs: Game-breaking bugs, like those involving homeless “zombie” citizens, detract from the overall experience and demonstrate questionable quality assurance.
  • Lack of Essential Services: There’s an evident absence of crucial services and buildings, such as deathcare, childcare, and specialized educational facilities, which may later be added as paid DLCs.


Should you dive into Cities: Skylines II in 2024? This city-builder is currently caught in a tug-of-war between its promising potential and frustrating flaws. While developers have made strides in addressing community concerns, the game still suffers from significant bugs and missing features that could hamper your urban planning dreams.

If you’re willing to see beyond these issues and enjoy tweaking your game with mods, there’s a vibrant community and a visually appealing sandbox waiting for you. However, if game-breaking bugs and incomplete features are deal-breakers, you might want to wait a bit longer for more patches or even consider revisiting the original Cities: Skylines.

🎢 Think of it as a thrilling roller coaster: worth the ride for some, but a bumpy experience for others. 🚧

Consider your patience level with post-launch fixes before committing to this urban adventure. 🚀

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Cities: Skylines II

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