Arma 3 Contact - Buyer's Guide

Embark on a thrilling journey in Arma 3 Contact as you navigate first contact with alien beings. Engage in field science, combat recon, and more in the Nadbór region of Livonia. With new weapons, factions, and a captivating 'First Contact' campaign, this expansion offers an immersive FPS experience.
Fan-art of Arma 3 Contact

In Arma 3 Contact, Bohemia Interactive explores the thrilling scenario of humanity making first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. As a soldier in the Nadbór region of Livonia, players engage in field science, electronic warfare, and combat recon to study and understand the alien visitors while navigating the inevitable armed conflicts. The expansion introduces a new terrain, two factions - the Livonian Defense Force and Russian Spetsnaz, 5 new weapons, 2 vehicles including the ED-1 Mini UGV, and various gear for CBRN defense. The ‘First Contact’ singleplayer campaign plunges players into a mysterious event that will reshape human history, all delivered in the authentic Arma 3 style. With additional multiplayer scenarios, free bonus content, and the Official Soundtrack, Arma 3 Contact offers a compelling and immersive experience for both new and returning players.

Should I play Arma 3 Contact in 2024?

The good

Arma 3 Contact attempts to bring a fresh and unique experience to the Arma series. The DLC introduces a new theme which could have been an interesting divergence from typical military simulations, appealing to those open to unconventional gameplay ideas.

The bad

Several reviewers feel that Arma 3 Contact doesn’t quite fit into the traditional Arma world, falling short in delivering a compelling experience. Descriptions of the gameplay as a “long boring treasure hunt” and critiques about the high price point relative to the entertainment value suggest that the DLC may not have met many players’ expectations.


Should you still buy or play this game in 2024? Based on the reviews, it’s a cautious “maybe.” If you’re a dedicated Arma fan who’s curious about unique twists, you might find something to appreciate here. However, given the mixed reception and some strong criticisms about the DLC’s value and fit within the Arma universe, you might want to consider other, more well-received content for your military simulation fix.💡

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Screenshot of Arma 3 Contact

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