Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey - Buyer's Guide

Embark on an epic journey through millions of years, guiding your clan's survival and evolution in a beautiful yet unforgiving world. Will you thrive or struggle in this open-world adventure?
Fan-art of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

In the unforgiving world of Neogene Africa, Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey challenges players to survive and evolve over millions of years. As a primitive human, navigate a lush jungle or golden savannah, using skills like tool-crafting and evasive tactics to stay alive. Make crucial decisions that shape your clan’s future, from establishing families and expanding territory to evolving physical and intellectual abilities. With every breath-taking vista comes the threat of predators, harsh weather, and other dangers - the choices you make will write your clan’s story and determine your place in the annals of human history. From the earliest hominids to the emergence of modern humans, every decision and action has a lasting impact on the trajectory of your species. Will you thrive or struggle to survive in this exhilarating open-world adventure?

Should I play Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey in 2024?

The good

  • Unique Concept: Players love the premise of evolving as a monkey and exploring the beautiful, detailed world.
  • Immersive Experience: The game draws players in with its immersive gameplay and the sense of truly being a part of the natural environment.
  • Challenging: It appeals to those who enjoy figuring things out on their own without much guidance, invoking the “curious monkey brain.”
  • Visuals: The environment and scenery are highly praised, adding to the overall immersive experience.

The bad

  • Steep Learning Curve: Many players find the game overwhelming at first, with confusing mechanics and lack of intuitive instructions.
  • Repetitive Gameplay: The evolution process can feel grindy, and the repetitive nature of tasks can become boring.
  • Technical Issues: Bugs and crashes are a common complaint, along with some frustrations with the control schemes and lack of clear instructions.
  • Slow Progression: The slow pace of evolution and lack of varied gameplay elements can lead to a loss of motivation.


Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is a game that boldly steps into uncharted territory, asking players to embrace their inner primate and explore a stunning prehistoric world. It’s an experience that’s both thrilling and challenging, especially for those who relish a game that doesn’t hold your hand. The unique concept and immersive environment are definite highlights.

However, be prepared to face a steep learning curve and some repetitive tasks. The game can sometimes frustrate with its lack of intuitive design and technical hiccups, but if you have the patience and curiosity to overcome these hurdles, it offers a rewarding and intriguing journey.

So, should you go bananas for Ancestors in 2024? 🐒 If you’re an adventurous player who enjoys piecing things together and can endure a bit of grind for the sake of immersion, then absolutely, yes! For others who might be deterred by a lack of guidance and slow progression, it might be best to swing to another branch. 🌴

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey

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